
How can I buy/mint a fortune cookie NFT?

  1. Go to: https://cookiesforthebrave.com
  2. Set up your (Metamask) wallet by downloading their extension on your browser. Purchase WETH from an exchange, such as Coinbase or Moonpay, and send WETH from the exchange to your wallet.
  3. Connect your Wallet on the Cookies for the Brave minting page.
  4. Select the amount of cookies you would like to mint.
  5. Click the “Approve xxx WETH” button on our main-site and confirm the transaction and any associated fees. Sidenote: Fees will be in MATIC (Polygon Chain) and are lower than 1$ (1 MATIC can deliver about 100 transactions, make sure you have 1 MATIC in you Wallet).
  6. After approving the WETH, you can “MINT” the selected amount of cookies.
  7. Our NFTs will be minted on the POLYGON blockchain and after your purchase, your NFT will appear in your wallet (or wallet app), on the “My Cookies” Site and on Opensea.io.
  8. Download your cookie in the “My Cookies” Site and share them f. e. in your profile banner

What is the mint price and when can we mint?

The mint price starts at 0.007 WETH on Tuesday, June 7th at 5pm CEST (german time) and has a price progression, which means that every cohort of 500 fortune cookies the price automatically increases by 0.007 WETH. Gas fees will apply in MATIC, due to the Polygon Blockchain. 1 MATIC equals round about 100 transactions which is - compared to Ethereum - very very low. Make sure you have enough WETH (wrapped Ethereum) and MATIC in your Wallet.


Why do you have a price progressions?

We have two reasons:

  1. When you know the price is going up until the collection is sold out, it just makes you happier to know that you have got it cheaper!
  2. Instead of giving away whitelist spots we want to give incentives to the early birds who hear about the project.

What’s the benefit of minting and holding a fortune cookie NFT?

“Cookies for the Brave” is a NFT project designed for fun and mysteries. You will not know what your mantra is until you minted the NFT. And it’s also a nice NFT to mint for family and friends. Just make them happy with beautiful 3D art, fun, silliness and wisdom! And maybe we hold some special events in line for cookie holders!


What’s the motivation behind “Cookies for the Brave”?

Cookies For The Brave is a project of four young entrepreneurs with the mission to spread motivation and inspiration through fortune cookie art. The team works together on creating NFTs that are unique and help you stay motivated! Each NFT contains a unique fortune and features unique artwork - they all have their individual look but still have one thing in common: the fortune cookie shape.